Monday, October 8, 2012

Pet Peeves

WARNING: This post is a full out rant. You've been warned. Read at your own risk.

It's no secret that everyone has pet peeves. I am no different. I've learned to try to not sweat the small things. So even though there are things that drive me absolutely bat crazy, I try my hardest to not get upset about them. Some days I'm successful, others not so much. Such is life, right?

Try as I might, there is one pet peeve that absolutely always sends me reeling. My husband says Facebook is evil, I always tell him it only is if you allow it to be. But when I get online and see mothers ranting about how hard being a mother is, I loose my marbles. My heart starts pounding, my palms get sweaty, and I find it hard to control my fingers. Sometimes I type reply comments to these women, and then delete them before I hit enter. I don't think there will ever come a day when I can read, or hear, a woman complaining about motherhood or their children, when it won't absolutely infuriate me.

I know motherhood is hard, anyone can see that. But it's because anyone can see that, that I know every mother KNEW it was hard before they decided to have a baby. And yes, every baby (unless conceived by rape or incest) IS a choice. Sex makes babies... if your shocked by that you must have been living under a rock for like, ever. Seriously. Don't be silly and act dumb. The only birth control that is 100% effective is abstinence. So if you're having sex, and using birth control, your still making a decision to have a baby. Period. End of discussion. Don't ever try to convince me otherwise. I'm usually a very open minded person, but not about this.

Do these mothers not understand the blessings that these children are? That every second they spend ranting about how horrible it is to have children, or how difficult there life is, is a second they are taking away from that child? It's a second that they are stealing from that child that can never be repaid to them? Every child deserves to feel loved 100% of the time. Yes, they are going to make messes, they are going to question everything... THEY ARE CHILDREN! What, do you think you were born knowing how to be an adult? Sorry to disappoint you, but you once were just as messy, just as loud and just as naive.

Being a mother is the most special gift and task God can give to you. It's the biggest compliment you could ever receive, that God entrusts you with His little ones, to raise and bring up in love. It's a compliment many woman aren't blessed to receive. Please, please, I beg of you to remember that next time you want to yell at your children, next time you feel you need to call them "brats" or roll your eyes at their 1000th "why" for the day. It's okay to go in the other room and take a breather, it's okay to count to 10 before you respond. It's NOT okay to voice to everyone how hard your children make your life. It's not okay because it's not true. Your children don't make your life hard. They didn't choose to be born. They didn't choose to have questions. They have questions because they are growing. They make messes because they are learning how to use their motor skills. They throw tantrums because they aren't being understood or heard in the way they need to be. They didn't choose this. YOU DID, you most likely prayed for these little ones, and unlike so many women, your prayers were answered. You were entrusted.

You ARE blessed.