Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Stupid Line

The last few days I've been pretty immobile. About two weeks ago I started having a very weird pain in my lower back, but was able to get it under contract within a day or two. This time, I can't get it under control. I don't know WHAT the deal is. All I know is that I'm frustrated, and pissed, because I was starting to feel really pretty good again. It seems like right before I get all my ducks lined up, a grenade comes and blows up my line. Stupid frickin' line, and stupid frickin' grenade!

I hate that my husband has to deal with this, I hate that he's stuck living this life with me. A life he really didn't sign up for. Yes, he know I had some health issues - but I never would have imagined the turn it's taken. I'm so so blessed in so many ways, we both are. But today it just feels so unfair, today I just want to be a healthy, dependable wife.